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Supply chains have so many efficiency gains still to realise, and we must develop better technologies to store and use solar energy – Cees Andriesse

Cees Andriesse – Professor, Dutch Physicist and Writer

Professor Andriesse is a Dutch physicist and writer, and F&L interviewed him to find out the story behind energy use in our world today.

  • Many energies that we use on earth depend on solar power; what does the future hold with the mass loss of the sun? Watch.
  • Carbon based fuels are the source of CO2 – should we switch to NHHH? (Nitrogen connected with 3 hydrogen atoms). Watch.
  • Brief discussion of photovoltaics which are best known as a method for generating electric power by using solar cells to convert energy from the sun into a flow of electrons.  Watch clip 1, and clip 2.
  • The role of the International Atomic Energy Agency is to harmonise the development of nuclear energy across the world / using nuclear power is not the best way to generate electric / LNG is cleaner, but as a source of CO2 it cannot solve greenhouse gas issues / radioactive toxic waste remains a problem. Watch.
  • Supply chains have so many efficiency gains still to realise, and there is still sufficient energy coming from the sun if we can develop better technologies to use this energy and store it. Watch