BrusselsBrussels +32 (0) 2 372 91 68


Senior business leaders ask

Why does F&L actually do?

F&L is an international network of senior business leaders focused on freight logistics across the supply chain and operating in all sectors and transport modes, based across Europe and globally.

We inform, discus, debate, help innovation and best practice by bringing a diverse network of market players together.  Manufacturers/brand owners form a large core of our network and we balance this with a diverse mix of others who are active in the global supply chain.  The network is constantly changing and updating, and is significantly bigger than the list of member companies for members’ benefit.  

The objective of F&L is to create a safe space for leaders to come together for confidential discussion with a broad spectrum of leaders across other industries, sectors and geographies to network, learn, ask questions, inform themselves about the market and issues that concern them, and to exchange experiences – what’s going well, not so well and how can we prepare for what’s coming next? 

We do not record any of our discussions, and press/media are not permitted.  

Who is here?

Senior business leaders of manufacturers, brand owners, carriers, LSPs (all modes), ports, terminals, technology companies and platforms, retailers and suppliers, for multiple industry sectors and across all transport modes.  Different countries all over the European continent.  Academics and experts, thought-leaders and policymakers, NGOs, financiers, lawyers and insurance. Innovators, LogTech start-ups and scale-ups.  They are typically based in Europe and most have global roles, remits and interests across supply chain, logistics, procurement, sustainability and more.  

The F&L network is about a stimulating platform for dialogue – stakeholders across the supply chain, leaders from heavy manufacturing through to consumer goods, transport of all types, and more.  

We have good relationships with experts, thought-leaders, regulators, global and European NGOs and others to offer member companies clarity on issues & open up new ideas.

What benefits do I gain?

Hear real stories behind the headlines and share your experience with a wide spectrum of European industry & logistics in one place.  Bring the outside in to your experience.  News, ideas, trends, new ideas & partnerships in a trusted space.

It is no longer enough to be a frontrunner.  The lines between our businesses are blurring and we must adapt and think forward to ensure we remain relevant within our own networks and value chains.   None of us are big enough to solve any of today’s challenges on our own.

F&L gives you access to a European & global network of individuals.  By getting into the room together to listen and talk across, up and down the end-to-end supply chain we improve our own results.  Members see F&L as a tool for achieving competitive edge.  All discussions – online and in-person – are held in confidence.  Questions are encouraged.  Members sit at the “same table” and all are welcome to contribute to and lead topics that they want to discuss.  Members benefit from thought-leadership, innovation and access to expertise across all aspects of freight logistics.  Many enjoy lifting their heads from the day job.

F&L is independent and does not lobby; that leaves us free to focus on member companies’ agendas.   

What are the opportunities to engage with F&L?

You can engage as a member, as a thought-leader or contributor, as a sponsor, as an expert, as a practitioner, as a collaborator.  This is a deliberately diverse network.  Getting people into the same room for dialogue is the core.  

Member companies contribute, collaborate, talk, listen and ask questions.   Their colleagues are always welcome with no extra costs.  Thought-leaders and contributors are often invited and we are always interested to meet anyone who may like to get involved.  Sponsors see an opportunity for tremendous added value by getting involved in our in-person meetings as well as the relevant agenda discussions.  

We are active 12 months of the year.  

  • Frequent online meetings, typically 45 minutes with plenty Q&A
  • In-person meetings across Europe
  • We take every opportunity to meet members at events and in their own countries
  • Year-round small groups addressing specific company or industry issues 

Questions welcome and please get in touch at any time.

What does F&L talk about?

This is a network of practitioners and leaders; people who are making things happen today.  We are generally solutions-focused and look at the end-to-end supply chain.  Topics are global and focus on short / medium term – while an element of blue sky thinking and post-2030 is included, discussions are practical and concrete.  Members, experts, thought-leaders and marketplace dynamic often prompt dialogue which is relevant and timely.  

F&L defines “sustainability” as profit, planet and people, looking at logistics and supply chain operations with a value focus. 

F&L is neutral, independent and not-for-profit.

What's the difference between being a member & non-member?

F&L is set up as members’ network.  We invite non-members to events if we think they can add value so they have an opportunity to see if they think the network is useful and interesting for them. Members drive all agendas for discussion with their interests / questions / ideas. Non-members are not part of the debate unless specifically invited. We are not-for-profit, so it’s not a financial decision but rather a decision to participate.  Questions absolutely welcome, please get in touch.  

What's the cost in time / €?

Time – How much time does it take?  Business leaders are short of time, so F&L discussions get straight to the point.  

Membership – Membership is €1,950 per year, per company.  We keep costs down and there is only one membership category because all members sit at the same table.  The members who get most from the network involve other members of their teams as this  increases benefit and brings best knowledge to the table across a  vast range of topics (the membership fee is the same regardless of whether one or 10 people in your company participate).  We maintain a balanced mix of members to enable end-to-end supply chain and logistics discussion – this is ideally 50% brand owners and 50% transport services of all kinds.  

Other costs – The only other costs members pay is €200 – €550 per person for in-person meetings depending on meeting length, dinners & any administrative costs.  Online meetings are not charged and generally not accessible to non-members.  Non-members are not always invited and pay more.  

Please get in touch if you may be interested in joining.

How does F&L differ from other organisations?

The key point is that F&L straddles international borders, knowledge and industry sectors to bring together a mix and diversity of expertise. These are people you would not normally meet in the same room. We work with many organisations including the World Economic Forum, Smart Freight Centre, UN, ALICE, the European Commission, European Parliament, LogiSym & many, many more – we don’t duplicate the work of other organisations, but simply include the best of everything.

Does F&L lobby or share member discussions?

No, F&L does not lobby.  F&L’s independence is derived from its reliance on no single member or industry sector, its not-for-profit status, and its standing in the freight logistics community.  F&L is prohibited from lobbying therefore enabling it to maintain an independent stance.   Set up in 1994 as a members’ network, F&L balances all stakeholder interests including shippers & brand owners, logistics service providers (all modes), academics, policymakers and others who have an interest in supporting best practice in the sector.

Where is F&L registered & how is it funded?

F&L is an independent, not-for-profit ASBL registered in Belgium.  Our funding comes only from membership subscriptions that we can maintain our independent status.   Member companies pay one annual fee of €1,950 for unrestricted access to all online and in-person events.  To keep costs down, we run a lean and hard-working organisation.  

Set up in 1994, the concept of a safe space for supply chain and logistics leaders endures.

Competition & anti trust laws

Every jurisdiction throughout Europe provides for the fundamental right to assemble.  F&L has a legal advisor in Brussels and seeks to comply with all relevant EU legislation.

Are these open events for anyone to attend?

Our meetings are not open access, like an exhibition, but we do invite everyone that we know and we do welcome dialogue with all kinds of interesting players.  Please get in touch if you are interested!

Questions are very welcome.  Please get in touch at any time.