BrusselsBrussels +32 (0) 2 372 91 68

About Us

Everyone at the same table; pull up a chair
Our mission

F&L is an international network of senior business leaders responsible for freight logistics across the supply chain and operating in all sectors and transport modes, based across Europe and globally.  This is a practitioners’ community – people who are actively leading industry.

Participating is about mutually beneficial conversations and value-added dialogue with peers, academics and others with knowledge of the sector.  Discussion is confidential (no recording) and a broad spectrum of leaders across other industries, sectors and geographies find immense value in networking with a genuinely different community, learning, asking questions, exchanging experiencing, and informing themselves about how others in the market think and issues that concern them.  What’s going well, not so well and how can we prepare for what’s coming next?  Everyone sits at one table at F&L.  

“The high quality of your association, members, and the thematics are in my opinion quite visionary

“I was surrounded by informed people saying ‘no, that won’t work’ – we must put ourselves in a position where informed others can disagree, because that is the only way to build an effective strategy”

Why does it matter?

Here at F&L you have the largest cargo owners on earth, the people with the solutions, and bringing that together in a dialogue is what the modern economy is about – how do you create networks, and through those conversations, how do we create solutions for the future?

The pace of change across the business landscape is accelerating and the implications and challenge for freight logistics is tremendous.  We can build a better global supply chain which serves all stakeholders.  But to be effective, we need to understand the holistic picture and other stakeholders.

F&L is a not-for-profit organisation set up in 1994 and we do not lobby.  The market and members dictate our agenda and topics for discussion.

What makes F&L unique?

Created in 1994, the original aim to create an independent forum where logistics leaders from manufacturing and transport supply across Europe could exchange perspectives in a confidential and welcoming environment is needed perhaps more today than ever before.  Positioning every business to deliver value in the eyes of our stakeholders, thinking about the challenges of tomorrow as well as today, asking the right questions & ensuring we frame our discussions in a constructive and open manner while welcoming input from others across the world is, as ever, key and that is our strength going forward.

We are a strong and well connected network, active and interested in our members’ agendas and collaborating widely with other organisations across the world for their benefit.  F&L is a members’ organisation, constantly updating and adapting to what is happening in the market.  The organisation is independent so that we maintain a neutral perspective.  We do not lobby, preferring instead to welcome policymakers and regulators to our dialogue to listen, learn and ask questions of market players.  

“Here I find the connections & the interest/support to help make things happen”

“Looking in your own business doesn’t tell you what’s around; it is my competitive advantage to know what is happening elsewhere and use that to enhance our strategy”

“These discussions open my mind and that’s when the good ideas come”